Discovery and Engineering
We ask the right questions w specific subject matter experts to uncover your business pains and needs
Provider Selection
As a trusted consultant for over 35 years we’ve had the opportunity to meet, vet, demo, and tour data centers for over 100 of the leading providers. Then we select a few that are perfect for your specific project.
Solution Architect
We leverage our engineering resources, the prospective providers, and your team to architect the perfect solution.
Pricing and Negotation
We work on your behalf to negotiate the best pricing amongst the proposed vendors. You do not pay ATI one cent.
We work out all the kinks to eliminate unnecessary issues when we go live. Coordinating with our internal PMs, your team and your chosen provider.
Ongoing Support
In conjunction with your chosen provider we support our product offerings throughout their lifetime, while consulting your team on new technology.

Expanding the ATI SaaS Portfolio Throughout the World
without having to negotiate individual contracts, while also having the reputation and freedom to apply true neutrality & vendor agnostic selections.
Total Customer Care, Quality, Integrity & Accountability, Teamwork, & Respect for People.
ATI Product Portfolio
Contact ATI
Don't hesitate to fill out the form below to receive more info, get a quote, or submit any questions.
ATI partners with the leading cloud providers in all the major data centers, including Chicago, Vegas, and DC to provide georedundant voice, cloud, security, and UC solutions.
We have strategic global partnerships to bring you services to: Europe, South America, China, Japan, Indian, Indonesia, Australia, Africa, & the Middle East.